
New Features in Forbury Datum

 |  18 April 2024

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Author: Ed O'Hanrahan

The Forbury development team are constantly developing our products to ensure we keep up with both industry and customer needs. The release of these two new features are a reflection of the needs we’ve seen in the UK market. Read more below.

Scenario Manager

You can now compare custom scenarios within the same model, without having to save separate files. 

  • Within a single excel file, quickly toggle through saved scenarios to restore your inputs and see your exact assumptions. 
  • Compare different business plans, tenant decisions, or market conditions all within the same workbook. 
  • Create customised scenario reporting with Forbury Custom Sheets. 

As this is an initial release, there are a few restrictions to be aware of: 

  • The ability to restore scenarios will be wiped once the Add-in or workbook closes. However, you will still be able to see scenario outputs. 
  • The next release of the scenario tool will allow you to save and restore your scenario inputs permanently. However, we’ll gather feedback on this feature before we make this change.
Purchase Price and Exit Yield Sensitivities 

You can now see what happens to your IRR with stepped changes to your Purchase Price and Exit Yield: 

  • See how your returns will change if you need to bid higher for a property. 
  • Calculate the impact market yields will have on your exit price.
  • Produce a sensitivity matrix on a single asset, or all assets within a portfolio with the press of a button.

Both these new features are a celebration of the success we’ve had with Forbury Datum to date, we’re already hearing great feedback from customers regarding these new changes. As always, we welcome any questions or thoughts so feel free to get in touch.

Interested in seeing how Forbury Datum operates? Book a demo here. Or get in touch with our UK Sales Manager Ed O’Hanrahan at

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