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Case Study: Forbury X McVay Real Estate

Building Best In Class Modelling Workflows

McVay Real Estate are industry leading specialists in the sale of institutional assets and have sold over $10B in the past decade. Running a deliberately lean and deeply experienced team, they demand best in class processes and systems. Choosing Forbury as their investment modelling tool has allowed them to streamline workflows both internally and with external counterparties. 


Forbury gave us the opportunity to streamline a lot of our processes. We run a really lean analytics team, and we’d rather be focused on pricing assumptions and scenarios than ensuring the reliability of the underlying output.


The Challenge

Prior to Forbury, the analytics team were using an in-house model and making ad-hoc changes to it depending on the campaign or sector of the deal. However, they could see inefficiencies in their workflows. Another group recommended Forbury and after a quick demo McVay realised they would see value quickly. 

McVay runs a deliberately lean and deeply experienced team. Providing expert coverage across the sectors demands best-in-class systems to ensure their time is used as effectively as possible. They need their analytics to focus on pricing assumptions and scenarios rather than ensuring the reliability of outputs. Director, Brock McDermott has been with the company for over 10 years and has focused on ensuring the company continues to lead the market in financial analysis, research, due diligence and marketing.

The Solution

Modelling with Forbury allowed them to create streamlined workflows for their analytics team. “We need best in class processes and systems to make sure that we’re using our time as efficiently as possible. Since using Forbury, our team can more actively collaborate on models, understand the assumptions quickly, reliably track and compare the return profiles of assets and scenarios as we're pricing them.”

Case Study - The Solution

The Benefits

Where many deals involve negotiation based on the underlying data from different models, McVay are leveraging the Forbury Share functionality for more efficient valuation discussions between counterparties when pitching pricing into the market. He said; 

Quote Forbury

It lets us share assumptions and removes the data entry process that a lot of these groups would need to go through. It speeds up discussions around where valuations might sit... and generally gets everyone on the same page.

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How Forbury helps Agents

About McVay Real Estate

A leading Commercial Real Estate brokerage firm focusing purely on institutional investment sales, McVay has sold over $10B in the past decade. They relish a challenging transaction environment, where a bespoke sales approach with deep asset level knowledge and a genuine understanding of vendors needs are required. “Challenging markets are where we can separate ourselves from our competition, and we’re really excited to see what the next period of the market holds for us.”


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