

Case Study: Forbury X Hurstwood Asset Management

Driving investment decision-making with Forbury

To support the roll-out of a new commercial property asset management platform, Hurstwood Asset Management chose Forbury’s appraisal software to carry out investment appraisals alongside scenario modelling to create detailed investment reports on its portfolio of properties.


There is no doubt that our new asset management platform is significantly further down the road thanks, in part, to the addition of Forbury’s software. The ease and speed of use – coupled with outstanding support from a team of analysts – means that we can turn around data more quickly and more accurately than ever before. This is already resulting in enhanced buy-in from investors and quicker transactions.





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The Challenge

Hurstwood Asset Management (HAM) is a new platform and forms part of the expanding Hurstwood Holdings group. Having built a £300 million national portfolio under its own management, Hurstwood saw the potential to offer its asset management services for third-party investors including developers, funds and charities across regional markets throughout the UK on transactions ranging from £5m to £100m. 

This called for a review of its existing systems and structures to ensure that HAM could not only deliver a robust set of reporting tools to investors, but also make quick, considered calls on acquisitions and disposals. Richard Bousfield, investment director at Hurstwood Asset Management, said:

“While Hurstwood’s historic success is built on entrepreneurial acumen and sound asset management, we know that staying agile means we need to continually raise the bar when it comes to deploying third-party capital.”

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Reducing appraisals time by up to 95%, Datum Portfolio is transforming the industry.

The Solution

An encounter with the Forbury team in late 2022 provided a tried and tested solution with the opportunity to provide the back-end support to Hurstwood’s new asset management platform.

“From the outset, we knew we were dealing with a sophisticated investment business and were confident that Forbury was the ideal solution to their expansion needs. We quickly demonstrated that our appraisal tools not only save time, but also support decision-making and worked closely with the Hurstwood team during the onboarding process.” said Ryan, Product Manager at Forbury.

Case Study - The Solution

The Benefits

A further benefit of Forbury’s software is its ability to run Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) modelling, particularly useful when it comes to analysing the impact of ESG factors on individual properties and portfolios.

“With ESG at the forefront of our investment strategy, Forbury gives us the tools and the analytics to really get under the bonnet of properties’ performance. This is increasingly important as we strive to build an energy efficient, zero carbon and future proofed stable of investments and I’m confident that we’re equipped to make the right buying decisions based on hard metrics.”

Richard Bousfield, Director  |  Hurstwood Asset Management

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