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Modelling software for transactions

Forbury for Transactions Teams

Assess the value of CRE assets for acquisition and disposal.


Maximise value, minimise risk

Assess whether assets fit into your strategy for acquisition or disposal within 10 minutes.

Move Quicker

Increase your reach to prospective buyers and maximise the speed at which a deal is done.

Move Clearer

Our models are Excel-based, making it easy to trace and trust calculations. No more "black box solutions", no more doubt.

Move Precisely

Using thoroughly tested UK and European specific DCF methodologies, developed over 20 years. Trust your outputs implicitly.

How Forbury Benefits Transactions


Assessing opportunities quickly means you identify the deals best suited to your strategy and don't spend time on those that aren't.

  • Upload the tenancy data from a PDF or Excel using the instant Import tool
  • Overlay your in-house assumptions with House Views and arrive at an initial assessment in under 10 minutes 


Time to deep-dive.

  • Once you have access to the Data Room, input this advanced information into the model to make specific changes on costs, rent reviews, capex etc
  • Model your business plan to meet purchase requirements or forecast the asset at the desired sale date to achieve target sales price and yield
  • Use Scenarios to analyse different situations and strategies for the asset
  • Document your assumptions within the model, validating the investment's alignment with your strategy 


Enable fast and considered decision-making.

  • Collaborate seamlessly with colleagues by sharing the Forbury model
  • Create auto-populated branded reports ready for presentation to your Investment Committee
  • Present scenarios from the model to the Investment Committee for purchase approval


Refine the specifics of your financing.

  • Frame any additional funding structures, such as Loan Facilities, Equity Structures, Promote Fees and other dynamics; to understand levered returns with the Financing capabilities
  • Use Scenarios to analyse various finance situations and strategies for your asset 


Success, the asset is purchased. The clock restarts and the pressure’s back on to find that next great opportunity.

Discover more about

How Forbury helps Transactions teams

Our Solutions


Datum Single Asset

Developed for the UK and European Capital Transactions markets. Fast analysis of cash flows with entry/exit yields.


Datum Portfolio

Transforming the appraisals process for complex portfolio modelling.

Trusted by Transactions teams

The level of service we received from the Forbury team was fantastic and came at a time where it was really appreciated. Forbury gave us a return on investment from day one and we were able to get the transaction approved and completed within the same week. It’s a revelation compared to our previous modelling solution.
GV-Co Garry Howes 300 h

Garry Howes

Director - Investment, GV & Co

Artboard 2 copy 12 Artboard 2 copy 11 Ed-SalesLead


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